Thursday, December 18, 2008

Important Rulers

Chandragupta: Was a powerful Gupta ruler who won many battles to obtain his title
He liked to be called Maharajadiraja, which meant "KING OF KINGS".

Samudragupta: (335 - 375 A.D): Was the Son of Chandragupta.
He was know as the Indian Napoleon as he conquered many areas with little effort.

Chandragupta II (375 - 414 A.D): Was an able ruler and a great conqueror. His conquest of the peninsula of Saurashtra via the Arabian Sea is considered to be one of his greatest military successes.

Kumaragupta I (415 - 455 AD): Kumaragupta ruled for forty years and he was considered to be one of the most powerful rulers of the Gupta Period. He had many names.

Skandagupta (455 - 467 A.D): He was a very powerful conqueror and is considered to be at par with God Indra. His empire included the whole of North India from west to east and the peninsular regions of Gujarat.

Religion & Language

Buddhism & Hinduism was the main
of religion in The Gupta Empire.

They spoke Sanskrit.

They had a Monarchy Government,
which means supreme power is absolutely
or nominally lodged in an individual.

Golden Age

The Gupta Empire was know as
the Golden age in India for:
-And Indian Philosophy

The Gupta Empire is most common with the
Han Dynasty & Tang Dynasty.

What is the Gupta Empire

The Gupta Empire was an empire ruled by the Gupta Dynasty.
It was ruled from around 280 to 550 CE.

The Gupta Empire covered:
-Most of India
-Parts of Guajart
-Rajasthan which is now Western India
-And also Bangladesh

The capitol of the Gupta Empire is Pataliputra,
which is located in the India state of Bihar.